A more sustainable lifestyle

Daily writing prompt
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

At its root, living a more sustainable lifestyle — for me, anyway — involves both physical and mental health.

Physical health: As I get older, my metabolism decreases. This means it takes fewer calories each day to “fill me up.” So I approach the dinner table (or the menu at a restaurant) with the understanding that what I put on my plate needs to be less than what it was 20 years ago, or even 10. This is conscious choice. I have to remind myself daily that I cannot eat what I ate when I was younger. I’ve also had to virtually cut out sugar and also significantly reduce my caffeine intake (hello Splenda and decaf coffee pods).

Last summer, we bought a Y membership. I had to give up running — it got to where I was in pain all the time and it just wasn’t fun anymore — and this has given me the impetus to branch out. I balance a cycling class (typically once a week) with swimming and strength training (weights, but not with the goal of bodybuilding).

Mental health: The trick here is to reduce stress, get plenty of exercise and also maximize my leisure. My wife and I maintain a peaceful home. Like proper eating, this is a conscious choice. I also read a lot and do crosswords and enjoy watching shows with my wife. Also, I get outside and enjoy the sunshine whenever possible, which, during the warm season in Tennessee, is quite often.

It is also important to maintain healthy relationships. Toxic relationships are not good at all for a person’s psyche, so I do my part to avoid toxicity.

All these things together keep me engaged both physically and mentally…and also emotionally. We all age. It’s unavoidable, so I don’t try to defy the aging process. The best thing a person can do is to age well.

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